
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blue Skies and Tailwinds, June 8

Pic is a few of us riding the start of the tow path.
PS Bettye got another flat today!

   Today was my favorite day so far . Not because it was a short one (49 miles) but because of the scenery and landmarks.  
  We left Defiance on a muggy hot morn. We rode on a road that paralleled the Maumee River on a freshly paved, little travelled road.  We then entered Independence Dam Park near the historic 13th lock of the Erie Canal. The Canal was on our left and the Maumee was on our right and we rode for a few miles on the original tow path. Tree lined and birds singing everywhere.  There were parts where we needed our mountain bikes but we survived.
  We rode the rest of the day along the river, through riverfront towns with homes to die for!
I'm sure they would be worth millions in CA. Big yards, no fences, all neatly mowed, no cars parked in the front yards, many with built in ponds- they don't have pools- they have ponds! Some big enough to have docks! That's how big their yards are!
  We then pedaled into Napoleon, Ohio- home of Campbell soups. We would have stopped but the thought of a cup of tomato soup on a 95 degree day did not excite us. They have a hugh plant there.
  Not too many farms today and the ones we did see were smaller than the past few days. We are seeing more historical landmarks and a lot more towns and a lot more people!  One thing we still see a lot of are American flags. They are flying everywhere and not just for Memorial day.
 The sport flags have changed to Ohio State Buckeyes and Cleveland Indians!
 There are still many churches with denominations I've never heard of.
 We arrived in Bowling Green at 11:15 with the thermometer at the local bank reading 108!
We  immediately got off our bikes, found a place to eat , had a sandwich and an early reward beer.
  We like Ohio. Tomorrow we are off to Huron- getting closer to Lake Erie. 68 miles and it is supposed to be cooler- we hope.
  My total mileage as of today is.........1269.5 miles.  2 more days and we are half finished.  Phew!!

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